Council Meetings
last Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm at the Town Hall  (unless otherwise noted)

November 12
December 17


Village Council
Village of Mendon Ordinance book

Please note that the minutes presented on this page are unofficial and subject to change until they are adopted by council at the following month's meeting.

September 24, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm, followed by the pledge.

: Terry Seibert, Seth Seibert, Bruce Rickard, Brian Webb, Chelsea Wilsey, Bryan Selhorst, Amanda Crouch, Kristina Boroff, Pete Van Arsdel, Ross Finke, Lanny Hammitt, Rick Emans, Erin Gardner -The Daily Standard


: There was a motion by Seth to waive the reading of the minutes, seconded by Brian Webb, roll call: Seth- yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb -yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea.
There was a motion by Bryan Selhorst with a second by Seth to approve the minutes, roll call: Seth- yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb -yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea.

Street Commissioner
: Nothing to report.
: Nothing to discuss.

New Business

Old Business:
        Recycling grant is coming up soon in November.
        Clean up Day October 12 at 8:00am at the water plant.
Resolution 2024-03 accepting the local government fund amounts.  There was a motion by Amanda with a second by Chelsea to approve passage of Resolution 2024-03, roll call: Seth- yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb -yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea.

Resolution 2024-04 to accept the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies.  There was a motion by Brian Webb with a second by Amanda to approve passage of Resolution 2024-04, roll call: Seth- yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb -yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea.

Ross Finke was present to express his interest in the Solicitor position.  Pete Van Arsdel will retire at the end of December. 

Pete will ask Ross to handle the variance issue at the October meeting.  Council gave the ok for Ross to step in on this issue.  There was a motion by Seth with a second by Bryan Selhorst to hire Ross Finke to handle the October meeting that will include the McGillvary zoning variance issue, roll call: Seth- yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb -yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea.

There was a motion by Seth with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the checks and purchase orders, roll call: Seth- yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb -yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea.

There was a motion by Brian Webb with a second by Amanda to approve the financial statements, roll call: Seth- yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb -yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea.
There was a motion by Bryan Selhorst with a second by Seth to approve the mileage, roll call: Seth- yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb -yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea.

There was a motion by Bryan Selhorst with a second by Amanda to adjourn.

August 27, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm, followed by the pledge.

: Terry Seibert, Seth Seibert, Bruce Rickard, Brian Webb, Chelsea Wilsey, Bryan Selhorst, Amanda Crouch, Kristina Boroff, Pete Van Arsdel
Brian Miller, Monty Diegel, Alexandria Busacca, Blake Frank, Dennis Adams, Brandon McGillvary, Lanny Hammitt, Rick Emans, Erin Gardner -The Daily Standard



: There was a motion by Seth to waive the reading of the minutes, seconded by Bryan Selhorst, roll call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yeah, Bruce - yea.
There was a motion by Brian Webb with a second by Chelsea to approve the minutes, roll call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yeah, Bruce - yea. 

Street Commissioner
: Nothing to report.
: Nothing to discuss.

New Business
        There was some discussion about a rezoning issue for a homeowner interesting in starting a business.  Brandon McGillvary is looking for a variance to start a gun shop at his home located in a residential area.  This 221 Glenn Street property is owned by Kay Hansel and she has signed off on the business.  Brandon is bringing this to the attention of village council and will get started on the proper paperwork.  This will take a few months.  All neighbors must be notified and Brandon must contact the Zoning Inspector, Niel Loll.   
        Trick or Treat is set for Saturday, October 26 from 4-6pm.
        Fall cleanup day will be Saturday, October 12.  We will order three dumpsters.  There was a motion by Amanda with a second by Bryan Selhorst to get three dumpsters for Saturday, October 12 for the village clean-up day, Roll Call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yeah, Bruce - yea.

Old Business:
        Pete stated that Ross Finke was interested in taking on the village solicitor position in January after Pete retires.  Ross was the village solicitor in the past.  Council feels good about having Ross fill the position.  He will attend a future meeting.
        Recycling updates - the grant will be available in November.  Terry will contact the office to get the details.
        Council had 1 person show up that were interested in the position of Zoning Compliance Officer.  This is a part time position that pays $40 per month and answers to village council.  This position will be required to attend court proceedings on an as needed basis.  Mr. Lanny Hammitt is interested in the position.  There was a motion by Bryan Selhorst with a second by Chelsea to hire Lanny Hammitt as the Zoning Compliance Officer for the village of Mendon, Roll Call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - no, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - no, Bruce - yea.


        Kevin Kittle had a complaint about the youth causing loud noises late at night at the library.  He wondered who is in charge of that.  May need to contact the Sheriff.  He also had a question about having an event for the community to give out money in a slip and slide contraption.  He would like to have it at the village park.  They would be required to carry liability insurance for the event.  Council encouraged Mr. Kittle to get a plan together, it sounds like a fun event. 
        Dennis Adams would like to have a car show in the village.  He would like to have food trucks available.  He is willing to help, but he needs help to run this event.  Mr. Kittle would be willing to help.  Village council would like to see the car show at the ball diamonds and park in conjunction with the slip and slide event.  Dennis is willing to help coordinate this event.  The Mayor encouraged them to get a plan together and decide what they would like to have. Council feels like it is a great idea, but council cannot be in charge of the event.
        Brian Miller and Monty Diegel were present to drop off the EMS signs for the November ballot.
        Mr. Hammitt reported that the health department gave Jeremiah Schmidt until September to get his property cleaned up.      

There was a motion by Seth with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the checks and purchase orders, roll call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yeah, Bruce - yea.
There was a motion by Brian Webb with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the financial statements, roll call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yeah, Bruce - yea.
There was a motion by Seth with a second by Amanda to approve the mileage, roll call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yeah, Bruce - yea.

There was a motion by Brian Webb with a second by Bryan Selhorst to adjourn.

July 30, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm, followed by the pledge.

: Terry Seibert, Seth Seibert, Bruce Rickard, Brian Webb, Chelsea Wilsey, Bryan Selhorst, Amanda Crouch, Kristina Boroff, Pete Van Arsdel, Josh Kinney, Lanny Hammitt, Marge Trisel, Rick Emans, Jim Godwin, Erin Gardner -The Daily Standard
Mayor Terry Seibert issued the following concerning 50 years of girls' sports:

WHEREAS, one of the missions of the Midwest Athletic Conference is to encourage and foster the advancement of sportsmanship, goodwill and health through individual and team competition as the ideal of athleticism; and
Title IX was a landmark Civil Rights law signed by President Richard Nixon on June 23, 1972 as part of the 1972 Federal Education Amendment, and
the recognition of girls' varsity sports in 1973-74 school year as the implementation of Title IX by the Ohio High School Athletic Association; and
this celebration is to recognize 50 years of girls' sports conference competition in the Midwest Athletic Conference, commencing with the 1973-74 school year; and
the Parkway and Mendon-Union Girls Sports, Celebrating 50 Years promotes this stated objective of celebrating the implementation of Title IX at Parkway and former Mendon-Union.
the Midwest Athletic Conference wishes to officially welcome and recognize the efforts of the community in which Parkway Local School District and the former Mendon-Union School District reside;
I, Terry Seibert, Mayor of the Village of Mendon, do herby proclaim Sunday, September 29, 2024 the official 50-year celebration of;
Parkway and Mendon-Union Girls Sports
Given under my hand and seal of office this 30 day of July 2024.


: There was a motion by Seth to waive the reading of the minutes, seconded by Bryan Selhorst, roll call: Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea.
There was a motion by Brian Webb with a second by Chelsea to approve the minutes, roll call: Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea.

Street Commissioner
: There is a rotten tree in the park.  It will cost $1,250 to remove and grind the stump.  There is a tree at Walnut and Wayne that needs to be cut at a cost of $1,100, but the utility department will pay for that one.  The refrigerator has been purchased and installed at the shelter house.  Chelsea asked to have a tree inspected.  The dead trees at the cemetery have been removed.   There was a motion by Seth with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the street commissioner's report, roll call: Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea.
: Nothing to discuss.

New Business
        Pete will be retiring at the end of the year.  Council will be looking to fill the solicitor position for 2025.  Andi Marchall and Ross Finke were suggestions.  Ross Finke is the current solicitor at Rockford.   
        Veterans Banners on the light posts were discussed.  Council is interested in pursing this.  The Fiscal Officer will get more information and report back.

Old Business:
        Amanda Crouch gave an update on the EMS situation.  She is the village of Mendon representative and has attended four meetings at EMS over the last month.  Amanda reported on the urgency of passage of this levy as there is a shortage of staff.  This levy will appear on the November ballot.  EMS is asking for local individual support and donations for the promotion of the levy.  They are also looking for volunteers to help with promotion.  If this levy does not pass, there will be a serious lack in help when you call 911.  There will not be anyone to answer the phones.  We need to work together to get this levy passed.  If you would like to contribute to the levy promotion, please make checks payable to: Friends of EMS Mercer County and mail to: Sammi Timmerman, 412 E. Columbus Street, St. Henry, OH 45883.  
        Terry spoke about the grant opportunity for the recycling program.  The grant will be available in November.  If council is interested in having a recycling program in the village, then we need to prepare to apply for this grant.  This grant is an 80/20 split, but not a true 80/20 split. 
        Council discussed the creation of an additional position titled Zoning Compliance Officer.  This will be a part time position, paid monthly at $40 per month.  The employee will be required to attend court and answer to council.  We will be accepting applications.  There was a motion by Bryan Selhorst with a second by Amanda to create the Zoning Compliance Officer position with a monthly pay of $40, and to answer to village council, roll call: Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea.


Mr. Hammitt asked about the property with all the vehicles.
Amanda reported about the Schmidt house being required to clean up the property within 90 days or the house will be condemned.

Marge Trisel asked about some of the cemetery monuments that needs to be straightened up.  She asked council to put some money aside to fix the stones.  Council reported that it is the responsibility of the family to make sure that the stones are taken care of. 
Marge Trisel asked about the shed and driveway at Mr. Coffman's property.  The shed is moveable and on runners and he can place it up to the property line easement.  She asked about getting permission to dig out a driveway.  She believes that you need council approval to dig out a driveway and there are certain rules in the subdivision about what you can do.  There was some discussion about the subdivision rules.  Council does not enforce the deed restrictions.  There was a lengthy discussion about placement of structures on properties.
Marge Trisel asked about the cost of the dumpsters for clean up day.  We have not received the invoice yet, but in the past in has been $385 per dumpster.  We had three dumpsters this year.

There was a motion by Brain Webb with a second by Seth to approve the checks and purchase orders, roll call: Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea.
There was a motion by Chelsea with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the financial statements, roll call: Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea.

There was a motion by Seth with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the mileage, roll call: Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea, Amanda - yea.

Jim Godwin spoke about his displeasure with the people of the village of Mendon.  He had plans for the village, but he longer feels compelled to help.  The Mayor told Jim he was sorry that his feelings were hurt.  As a council, we cannot make Jim feel better.  He recommends that Jim just let it go and don't worry about what other people say about him.  The Mayor said that it is too bad that there are people that have bad feeling towards him.  Jim stated that he has spent a little over $1,000,000 on things to improve the village.  Bryan Selhorst stated that not everyone feels that way and Jim should try to let it go.  Jim stated that he and Mary plan to sell all of their properties and move away. 
There was a motion by Seth with a second by Bryan Selhorst to adjourn.


June 25, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm, followed by the pledge.

: Terry Seibert, Seth Seibert, Bruce Rickard, Brian Webb, Chelsea Wilsey, Bryan Selhorst, Amanda Crouch, Kristina Boroff, Pete Van Arsdel
Scott Cisco-Waste Management, Rob Egbert-Waste Management, Dave Buschur- EMS, Kara Smith- EMS, Blake Frank, Lanny Hammitt, Marge Trisel, Erin Gardner -The Daily Standar

Scott Cisco and Rob Egbert Auglaize County Waste Management:
Gave a presentation about the recycling program in Auglaize and Mercer County.  All locations are 24-hour drop offs.  It is costly to start a drop off location.  It must be maintained by the municipality.  Carla at the county has Ohio EPA grant opportunities for the recycling containers.  He would say ballpark estimate of $8,000 to get started.  If we were awarded a grant, our cost would be 25% of the total cost.  Since we have nothing currently, it makes us desirable for a grant.  He would have to get approval from the county commissioners to give us permission to proceed.  Council should write a letter to the commissioners asking them to help us and take care of our containers.  They do have locations setup in Mercer County now, including at Parkway.  They do a very good job at processing the recyclable items with very little waste.  There are no monthly charges for them to pickup our recycling.  They pickup the recycling every week.  It would need to be somewhere that has light and that a large truck is able to drive on.  We need to monitor it to be sure that we are not getting unacceptable items.  Council is considering the old school grounds parking lot as a recycling location.  Two 8-yard containers for cardboard, two 8-yard containers for aluminum and plastic, two 8-yard containers for paper, a bag roll off, and a glass roll off.  We would need a place 48-50 foot wide.  We would install cameras as well.  We would get the word out about what is allowed and how everything works.  We do not want to spread the word before we have total approval that the project is moving forward.  Waste Management will give us brochures when we are ready to start.           

Dave Buschur and Kara Smith Emergency Management:
The county EMS advisor meeting was held last week.  Dave Buschur spoke about the staffing issues in Emergency Management.  Funding was always done per capita, not through a levy.  The per capita amount is not enough to run the department.  For the last 18 months, they have been working on this issue.  They felt that if they could collect 1 mil from a levy, then they could afford to pay the EMS volunteers a reasonable amount.  They need to create a joint ambulance district in order to be able to put this levy on the November ballot.  There is a time crunch to get everything done.  If the levy passes, we would not have to pay the per capita amount any more.  They are planning to get enough full-time people on staff to cover 24/7.  It will cost $610,000 in payroll and the volunteers to implement this plan.  Through the course of the last five years there has been a lot of turnover in staffing.  It is harder to get volunteers in the current economy.  We need to maintain our EMS to have protection for our citizens. 
Right now, the bulk of the ambulance runs are being done by six people.  This agreement will alleviate this strain.  We need our squad to be strong for our protection.  The advisory board will decide the millage for the levy once the board is formed.  
Council will appoint a person to serve as the representative of the Village of Mendon, Ohio to the Mercer County Joint Ambulance District.  They need this name by Monday, July 1.  The meetings would be held quarterly after the initial meetings for getting the levy on the ballot.  Amanda Crouch volunteers to sit on the advisory board as the village representative.      



: There was a motion by Seth to waive the reading of the minutes, seconded by Bryan Selhorst, roll call: Brian Webb-yea, Bruce- yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea- yea, Seth-yea, Bryan Selhorst-yea.
There was a motion by Brian Webb with a second by Chelsea to approve the minutes, roll call: Brian Webb-yea, Bruce- yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea- yea, Seth-yea, Bryan Selhorst-yea.

Street Commissioner
: Nothing to discuss.

: Nothing to discuss.

New Business
        The Mayor thanked everyone for their help with the water tower that was overflowing due to the Wi-Fi going down.  Josh Kinney did an amazing job of getting to town and taking care of the issue.
        Pete will be retiring at the end of the year.  Council will discuss this at the July meeting.
        The Fiscal Officer position will be discussed at the July meeting. 

Old Business:

        Resolution 2024-01 to approve the 2025 tax budget.  Seth motioned to vote on emergency resolution 2024-01, seconded by Bruce roll call: Brian Webb-yea, Bruce- yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea- yea, Seth-yea, Bryan Selhorst-yea.   Brian Webb motioned for passage of resolution 2024-01, seconded by Bryan Selhorst roll call: Brian Webb-yea, Bruce- yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea- yea, Seth-yea, Bryan Selhorst-yea.
        Resolution 2024-02 to create and participate in the Mercer County joint ambulance district. Bryan Selhorst motioned to vote on emergency resolution 2024-02, seconded by Brain Webb roll call: Brian Webb-yea, Bruce- yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea- yea, Seth-yea, Bryan Selhorst-yea.     Bryan Selhorst motioned for passage of resolution 2024-02, seconded by Seth, roll call: Brian Webb-yea, Bruce- yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea- yea, Seth-yea, Bryan Selhorst-yea.

Mr. Hammitt asked about the zoning inspector position and the job requirements.  Mr. Hammitt is interested in a possible position of adjunct zoning inspector.  Pete will work on a job description for next month.
There was a motion by Bruce with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the checks and purchase orders, roll call: Brian Webb-yea, Bruce- yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea- yea, Seth-yea, Bryan Selhorst-yea.
There was a motion by Bryan Selhorst with a second by Amanda to approve the financial statements, roll call: Brian Webb-yea, Bruce- yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea- yea, Seth-yea, Bryan Selhorst-yea.

There was a motion by Seth with a second by Amanda to approve the mileage, roll call: Brian Webb-yea, Bruce- yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea- yea, Seth-yea, Bryan Selhorst-yea.

The Fiscal Officer stated that the audit was complete for 2022-2023.  It went well.

Brian Webb asked if a council member had been harassing a citizen about their yard.  No council member has spoken with this address.  There is no signed complaint on this property and that is not the job of an individual council member.  An address on South Main Street was discussed concerning the vehicle parking situation. 

There was a motion by Seth with a second by Bryan Selhorst to adjourn.   Next meeting is July 30 at 6:00pm.

May 21, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm, followed by the pledge.

: Terry Seibert, Seth Seibert, Bruce Rickard, Brian Webb, Chelsea Wilsey, Bryan Selhorst, Kristina Boroff
Veryl and Marylin Sheets, Lanny Hammitt, Rick Emans, Marge Trisel, Mike Frank - The Daily Standard,

The Mayor spoke to Waste Management about recycling in the village.  They may have someone attend the next council meeting to discuss it.  The Mayor wants to talk to village residents and the Board before we proceed.
The Mayor stated that the Village Clean up day had a wonderful turnout.  All three dumpsters were full by 10:30.
We are looking for people to sign up to be poll workers in the village. 


: There was a motion by Bryan Selhorst to waive the reading of the minutes, seconded by Brian Webb, roll call: Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea, Chelsea-yea.
There was a motion by Bryan Selhorst with a second by Chelsea to approve the minutes, roll call: Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea, Chelsea - yea.

Street Commissioner


New Business

Old Business
        Zoning issues - we will be waiting for Pete to attend the next meeting to discuss this position.


Lanny Hammitt stated that the council takes an oath to uphold the laws of the village.  He feels that the Zoning Inspector refusing to enforce the zoning laws should be cause for dismissal.  The Mayor stated that he was the only one interested in the zoning inspector position.  This is not an elected position it is a hired position.  We have a difficult time getting people interested in serving on council and other positions.    
There was a motion by Seth with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the checks and purchase orders, roll call: Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea, Chelsea-yea.

There was a motion by Bryan Selhorst with a second by Chelsea to approve the financial statements, roll call: Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea, Chelsea- yea.

There was a motion by Seth with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the mileage, roll call: Seth - yea, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea, Chelsea- yea.

Discussion about the athletic signs going back up at the edge of town.  These will be placed to the side of the new sign.

Marge Trisel asked council to take a drive by Joe Severns' old house.  The trailer of trash is still sitting there.  Someone should call the health department about this issue.

There was a motion by Bryan Selhorst with a second by Seth to adjourn.


April 30, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm, followed by the pledge.

: Terry Seibert, Seth Seibert, Bruce Rickard, Brian Webb, Amanda Crouch, Chelsea Wilsey, Bryan Selhorst, Kristina Boroff
Alexandria Busacca, Veryl and Marylin Sheets, Lanny Hammitt, Marge Trisel, Denny Dorsten, Lori Huffman, Jim Godwin, Mike Frank - The Daily Standard

: The Mayor stated that we need a representative from the village to sign the complaint and attend the court proceedings.  It doesn't have to be a council member, it can be a citizen.  This will be a paid position.  The pay will be determined at a later date.  This person will just sit at the court proceedings, they will not need to say anything.  We will discuss this further when Pete can be in attendance so they we meet all legal requirements.  If anyone is interested in this position, please contact a council member.  


: There was a motion by Seth to waive the reading of the minutes, seconded by Brian Webb, roll call: Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce -yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea.
There was a motion by Amanda with a second by Seth to approve the minutes, roll call: Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce -yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea.

Street Commissioner
: Nothing to report.

: Nothing to report.

New Business
        There was a motion by Brian Webb with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the 2nd OPWC pay request of $28,361 for the water service line project, roll call: Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce -yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea.
        There was a motion by Bryan Selhorst with a second by Amanda to approve the village portion of $3,392.80 for the water service line project, roll call: Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce -yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea.

Old Business:
        No updates on the polling location or solid waste management at this time.  The polling location is set for 2024, they said we can try again next year.  Jim Godwin reported that the Board of Elections needs a list of people interested in working at the polling location in Mendon.   Please submit your name and information to the Board of Elections. 
        Spring clean up day Saturday, May 18 and brush pickup May 17.

Council had the third reading of Ordinance 2024-01 for cannabis dispensary regulations within the village.
ORDINANCE  2024-01

WHEREAS, on November 7, 2023, voters in Ohio approved State Issue 2, which enacted Chapter 3780 of the Ohio Revised Code, which became effective December 7, 2023; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 3780 authorizes and regulates recreational adult use cannabis in the State of Ohio; and
WHEREAS, R.C. 3780.25 authorizes municipal corporations to prohibit or limit the number of adult use cannabis operators (as defined in R.C. 3780.01) within the city limits; and
WHEREAS, Medical marijuana is regulated in Ohio by Chapter 3796 of the Ohio Revised Code, and is not addressed within this legislation by Mendon Village Council; and
WHEREAS, the Mendon Village Council finds it to be in the best interest of the Village of Mendon to prohibit recreational adult use cannabis operators licensed under Chapter 3780 within the village limits.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Village of Mendon, County of Mercer, State of Ohio.
THAT, all terms used in this Ordinance shall be defined in the same manner as R.C. Chapter 3780 as it pertains to adult use cannabis.  All terms in this Ordinance but not defined in that chapter shall be constructed, for purposes of this Ordinance, in a manner to be consistent with the use of such terms in that chapter. 
THAT, adult use cannabis operators are hereby prohibited from operating within the limits of the Village of Mendon, Ohio.
THAT, it is in the intent of the Mendon Village Council to prohibit the operations described in Section Two above to the maximum extent permitted by R.C. 3780.25 and any other applicable provisions of state law.  This Ordinance shall be constructed in a manner that it gives maximum effect to that intent. 
THAT, this Ordinance shall be declared an emergency measure for the preservation of the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the Village of Mendon, Ohio, and therefore, this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor at the earliest period allowed by law.

First Reading 2-27-2024                Second Reading 3-26-2024                Third Reading ____4-30-2024 FAILED_

There was a motion by Bruce with a second by Amanda to approve passage of Ordinance 2024-01, concerning prohibiting a dispensary in the village, roll call: Bryan Selhorst - no, Brian Webb - no, Bruce -yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - no, Seth - no, motion failed.

Marge Trisel asked if council would like to donate money to the village sign? There was a motion by Seth with a second by Chelsea to donate $200 to the Mendon Alumni sign construction, roll call: Brian Webb - yea, Bruce -yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea.

Mr. Hammitt asked about getting a zoning person to in handle all these zoning issues.  The Mayor stated that this is not the direction that council wants to go at this time. Mr. Hammitt is interested in being the representative for the village on these issues.  The mayor encouraged him to come to the next meeting to discuss this further with Pete present.  Jim Godwin feels that we should try, one or two times, taking people to court and see how it goes.
There was a motion by Seth with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the checks and purchase orders, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce -yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea. There was a motion by Brian Webb with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the financial statements, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce -yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea.
There was a motion by Seth with a second by Bryan Selhorst to approve the mileage, Bryan Selhorst - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce -yea, Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea.

The next meeting is set for Tuesday, May 21 at 6:00pm.

There was a motion by Seth with a second by Amanda to adjourn.

MARCH 26, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm, followed by the pledge.

: Terry Seibert, Seth Seibert, Bruce Rickard, Brian Webb, Amanda Crouch, Chelsea Wilsey, Kristina Boroff, Pete Van Arsdel, Cody Coffman, Jan Grieshop, Veryl and Marylin Sheets, Matt and Lisa Dorsten, Lanny Hammitt, Rick Emans, Marge Trisel, Bill and Jackie Cox, Jim Godwin, Denny Dorsten, Lori Huffman, Mike Frank - The Daily Standard 
: There was a motion by Seth to waive the reading of the minutes, seconded by Amanda, roll call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea.
There was a motion by Brian Webb with a second by Seth to approve the minutes, roll call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea.

Street Commissioner
: Nothing to report.
: Nothing to report.

New Business
Council reviewed the 2024 mowing quote from CJ's Lawncare.  There is a $50 per mowing increase over 2023 for a total of $345 per mowing.  There was a motion by Bruce with a second by Seth to approve the 2024 mowing contract with CJ's Lawncare, roll call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea.

The BPA is hiring a part time, very limited hours, general maintenance/cemetery employee.  This employee will be mowing the cemetery as well as doing utility work.  The position will pay $15 per hour.  The job will be posted in the Mendon post office. 

Old Business
The designs were reviewed for the Welcome to Mendon sign planned by the Mendon Union Alumni Committee.  The sign will be placed near the water tower.  Council is fine with the Alumni committee proceeding with the sign.

Reminder that spring clean up is set for May 18 and brush collection will be May 17.

Polling location updates: April 2 is the next Board of Elections meeting.

Recycling: The mayor contacted waste management.  They would like the mayor and a couple council members to meet with them and discuss the process of setting up recycling in the village.  The mayor will get the meeting date together and let the interested council members know. 

Council had the second reading of Ordinance 2024-01 for cannabis dispensary regulations within the village.
ORDINANCE  2024-01

WHEREAS, on November 7, 2023, voters in Ohio approved State Issue 2, which enacted Chapter 3780 of the Ohio Revised Code, which became effective December 7, 2023; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 3780 authorizes and regulates recreational adult use cannabis in the State of Ohio; and
WHEREAS, R.C. 3780.25 authorizes municipal corporations to prohibit or limit the number of adult use cannabis operators (as defined in R.C. 3780.01) within the city limits; and
WHEREAS, Medical marijuana is regulated in Ohio by Chapter 3796 of the Ohio Revised Code, and is not addressed within this legislation by Mendon Village Council; and
WHEREAS, the Mendon Village Council finds it to be in the best interest of the Village of Mendon to prohibit recreational adult use cannabis operators licensed under Chapter 3780 within the village limits.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Village of Mendon, County of Mercer, State of Ohio.
THAT, all terms used in this Ordinance shall be defined in the same manner as R.C. Chapter 3780 as it pertains to adult use cannabis.  All terms in this Ordinance but not defined in that chapter shall be constructed, for purposes of this Ordinance, in a manner to be consistent with the use of such terms in that chapter. 
THAT, adult use cannabis operators are hereby prohibited from operating within the limits of the Village of Mendon, Ohio.
THAT, it is in the intent of the Mendon Village Council to prohibit the operations described in Section Two above to the maximum extent permitted by R.C. 3780.25 and any other applicable provisions of state law.  This Ordinance shall be constructed in a manner that it gives maximum effect to that intent. 
THAT, this Ordinance shall be declared an emergency measure for the preservation of the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the Village of Mendon, Ohio, and therefore, this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor at the earliest period allowed by law.

First Reading 2-27-2024                Second Reading 3-26-2024                Third Reading ________________

Jim Godwin spoke about how he had helped facilitate the building of the Mendon Fire Department.  The council at that time came to Jim and asked for his help in building a new fire department.  Jim plans to tear down the building next to the carryout and tear down the old fire department.  He also plans to tear down the Old Farm Store.  He doesn't think the town deserves it.  He is done investing in the village.  The mayor replied to Jim that he is sorry that he feels that way and the he has always appreciated what Jim has done for the village.  He is hoping that Jim has a change of heart because that would leave a big hole in Mendon.  He had planned to donate the Old Farm Store and the old fire department to the village, but he will not be doing that.  Terry thanked him for the things that he has done for the village.

Denny Dorsten asked about the letter he received in the mail.  He said it is not his job to clean up the village.  Mr. Dorsten stated that it is the mayor and the solicitor's job to take them to court.  Mr. Dorsten said that they want council to sign the papers.  Pete stated that the Clerk has the forms ready to sign.  Terry stated that he would sign the forms if that makes them feel better.  We are at the third step in our procedure, we are ready to submit the complaints to Celina Municipal Court.  There was a lengthy discussion about the next step. 
There was some discussion about the role of the sheriff's office in the village and the increase of the contract that they proposed. 
Terry spoke about the decline of the village and his hopes for it to change in the future.  Terry said he is very grateful for the younger people stepping up to be on council. 

Matt Dorsten asked why council is so opposed to hiring a full-time zoning inspector.  The mayor said that he saw what it did in the township, it ran them out of money very quickly.  Matt asked what the position would pay if we hired someone to do the full-time job of enforcing the zoning code. 
There was some discussion about the portion of the zoning code we are enforcing and what we are not.   
Jim Godwin has a lot of the Mendon Union School trophies and plaques and things.  He would like them to be stored somewhere once he starts his downsizing plans.

The mayor stated that he would love for the village to have the money to have full time law enforcement.  He would feel a lot safer. 

There was some discussion about an income tax and if the village would benefit from it. 

Lori Huffman asked about the hole in front of her house where they replaced the water line.  She wanted to know if they would be filling that in.  The mayor said that when the ground settles they will fill it in.   Lori thanked Jim Godwin for everything he has done in the village. 

There was some discussion about the drones checking for the capped natural gas wells.  Marge spoke about the wells and wonders who is able to cap them.  
There was a motion by Seth with a second by Brian Webb to approve the checks and purchase orders, roll call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea.
There was a motion by Chelsea with a second by Seth to approve the financial statements, roll call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea.
There was a motion by Amanda with a second by Seth, to approve the mileage, roll call: Amanda - yea, Chelsea - yea, Seth - yea, Brian Webb - yea, Bruce - yea.

There was some further discussion about Ordinance 2024-01 concerning the cannabis dispensary regulation and the implications for our village.  There was some discussion about the crime rate in areas with dispensaries. 

There was a motion by Seth with a second by Amanda to adjourn.

link to Ordinances 2020
Resolutions and Ordinances
Terry Seibert - Mayor
Village Council
Brian Webb
Amanda Crouch
Bruce Rickard
Bryan Selhorst
Chelsea Wilsey
Seth Seibert
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